Introvert Entrepreneur: Can You Succeed In Business If You Are Introvert Don’t Like To Sell?

introvert entrepreneur
Are you an introvert who dream of owning a successful small business, but have no confidence to begin, because you are shy to reach out to people.
Possible to make it? The answer is YES.
Few days ago, a topic shared by my mentor resonated with me, an introvert, thus it grabbed my attention.
He assured us that introverts do have advantages in doing any business. This is a precious encouragement especially for those introverts that need  affirmation.
Knowing your own strength will increase your confidence level and you have a better chance to succeed.
Here are some take away from his sharing:
1. Observe, Think, Analyze, Plan, Strategize
Introvert tend to hide quietly in the corner of the room during any occasion and gathering.
They like to observe things and people surrounding them rather than mingle with strangers, they think and plan more because they have plenty of time to be alone.
As a result, introvert analyze their observation well and always come out with wow strategy that impress others.

2. Listener

Instead of talking, introvert prefer to listen more.
They have patience to listen to clients, understand their pain and manage interaction effectively.
If you ask most people, they will say asking the right question and straight to the point answer is always better than redundant sales talk to convince them.
You see.. a listener is as good as, if not better, than talking to increase sales and generate leads in any business.

3. A Quality Networker

Am I kidding? You don’t like to talk, then how to be a good networker?
Yes, social interaction and large networking event may not be your cup of tea, as you prefer to stay in smaller group, but your network must be quality people to connect with.
“There’s a myth that networking is all about cold-calling people and walking up to strangers at parties.
 Often the best connections are made through mutual acquaintances. Shy people tend to feel most comfortable networking with the people they know, and then ask those people for referrals to others. That’s a good strategy for anyone.”
If an introvert and a sales person approach you for a business talk, who you will pay attention to?
Won’t you think that there must be something valuable and worthy that make him talk and share with you ? 
A friend of mine who’s an introvert has been a successful network marketer due to this reason !

Successful Introvert Entrepreneur

If you are not convince, take a look at some of the most successful business owners who are introverts, in history – Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg, Warranty Buffet.
I am kind of an introvert also, here are my thoughts if you want to succeed in business.
1. Introvert likes to help people, don’t you?
Yes, you are shy to talk to stranger, sell to your friends and family. Nevertheless, why don’t you think about this way:
If someone walks in front of you drop their thing, you will pick it up, say hi, you drop your thing while returning to the owner. You are not shy to talk because you are helping him.
To start a business, you use your best endeavor to source quality product, something that definitely benefit your customers and prospects.
In actual fact, you are helping people, not stealing or robbing. What’s the point to be shy instead of proud?
2. You are now in the best position and time to begin your business.
Why? Technology, internet and social media have drastically reduce many high touch face to face interaction.
You can now connect with million of people in a high tech way as long you are not lazy to learn, to write and type. Good deal ?
I hope this write up can motivate and inspire you to begin realizing your entrepreneur dream.
You will shine in your field with great achievement if you believe your weakness is actually your strength and make use of it.

I like the words by an author in :


Know your own strengths and weaknesses, and adapt or make up for them accordingly; with this approach, you’ll be successful no matter how you started out.

Are you an introvert? Have you started your entrepreneurial journey?
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